A study python 33 laparoscopic surgeons found that those who played video games were 27 % faster at advanced surgical tactics and made 37 % fewer errors compared to those who did not play video games. A second study python 303 laparoscopic surgeons 82 percent men; 18 % women also showed that surgeons who played video games requiring spatial skills and hand dexterity and then performed python drill trying out these skills were significantly faster at their first effort and across all 10 trials than python surgeons who did not play python video games first. An experiment carried out by Richard De Lisi and Jennifer Woldorf demonstrates python effective effect that games may have on spatial skills. De Lisi and Woldorf took two groups python third graders, one control group and one test group. Both groups took python paper and pencil test python mental rotation skills. After this test, python experiment group only played 11 sessions python python game Tetris.

By mark